NOTE: has been

The web site has been to report about WC/GBC repeat sex offender number five (5 known so far with more suspects), the Teacher/Head Girls Coach Federally charged (10 counts) with having sexual intercourse with at least two (2) WC female students, filming those sex acts with those WC female students, sexual exploitation of minors, as well as distribution, receipt, and possession of child pornography.
The WC/GBC administrators and their attorney got CAUGHT (along with some WC/GBC faculty, staff, and parents) harboring several other repeat sex offenders while conspiring to deceive and defraud We The Parents about it.
WC/GBC repeat sex offender #5 committed suicide and many questions remain that need to be answered during upcoming Criminal and Civil Court Cases to be documented at

John Kasich Also Betrayed
But Remains Silent

Worthington Christian Schools (WCS a.k.a. WC)
Grace Brethren Churches (GBC e.g. Grace Polaris and Grace Powell)
Crimes, Betrayals, and Dangerous and Evil Hypocrisy

WCS/GBC attorney disbarment (with the additional evidence requested by the Supreme Court of Ohio)

Thank you for visiting this web site. It is our hope that the facts presented here will be useful to you in your effort to be an informed voter, so that you can vote with confidence that you are doing the right thing.

We are appalled by organizations that deliberately and willfully put children in danger with known repeat child molesters while conspiring to deceive and defraud the parents about it. It is time to put a stop to such child endangerment, criminal negligence, deception, fraud, and cover-ups by prosecuting and imprisoning those who deliberately commit such serious crimes against children and their parents. Refer to THE ABCs OF BETRAYAL at about Worthington Christian Schools (WCS) and Grace Brethren Church (GBC) where the administrators got caught during their 10-year Conspiracy of Child Endangerment, Criminal Negligence, Deception, Fraud, and Cover-Ups committed against thousands of children and consumers involving millions of dollars in regard to several repeat child molesters.
As reported by the Columbus Dispatch newspaper, those WCS/GBC administrators were secretly recorded stating that they were indeed putting the children at big-time liable risk with those repeat child molesters, led into temptation to molest again, and that they believe "before God" is "the right thing" to do while conspiring to deceive and defraud the parents about it.

It is also time to expose politicians who remain silent and refuse to stand up against those who commit such serious crimes and dangerous hypocrisy, even when those crimes are committed against that politician's very own family.
John Kasich is such a politician.

John Kasich's daughters Emma and Reese were also deliberately put in danger by those WCS/GBC administrators and John Kasich let them get away with it, proving complete irresponsibility, cowardice, and an extreme lack of concern for consumers and children, including his very own.
His daughters are surely very confused about the difference between right and wrong because those who have been educating them were also secretly recorded stating that they were indeed putting the children at big-time liable risk with those repeat child molesters, led into temptation to molest again, and that they believe "before God" is "the right thing" to do while conspiring to deceive and defraud the parents about it.

After the cowardly John Kasich refused to do anything about those serious crimes committed against his very own family, a parent began working with The Supreme Court of Ohio to have the WCS/GBC attorney disbarred for taking part in those serious crimes committed against thousands of consumers involving millions of dollars. However, that parent was actually prosecuted and eventually put in jail for 9 days for simply asking two (2) questions, the first question as suggested by The Supreme Court, about those serious crimes.
See "Corruption Exposed By A Parent" and "Your Tax Dollars At Work".

Our disgust and distrust for John Kasich increased when he ran for Governor of Ohio. The bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in September 2008, where Kasich was a Managing Director, is what triggered the global economic meltdown as documented in the PBS FRONTLINE documentary "Inside the Meltdown" and which nearly caused the second Great Depression. That meltdown caused the huge job losses throughout the entire country, as well as Ohio, and Kasich blamed then Governor Strickland for it and narrowly managed to take his job from him. Now that the economy is recovering, Kasich is trying to claim credit for it.
Therefore, John Kasich has proven to be a foolish coward as well as a con artist.

As Governor, John Kasich tried to make Ohio employees pay for the poor economic conditions (that Kasich profited from and was part of the problem for) by signing into law Senate Bill 5 (SB5), which reduced compensation to firefighters, police officers, and teachers by making them pay at least 15 percent of the cost of their health care as well as other reductions in their compensation.
However, Ohio voters repealed SB5 to show our appreciation for those who risk life and limb to protect us all and for those who teach our children.
John Kasich also has no respect for the law or law enforcement and refers to cops, doing their job, as "Idiots":
See the video "Kasich: Cop Says I Broke the Law -- "He's an Idiot!"".

John Kasich grossly exaggerates and remains silent when it benefits him. Kasich boasts that he beat Ed FitzGerald for Governor in a landslide. However, it was discovered very early in the race that FitzGerald had an affair in a parking lot and didn't even have a valid Ohio driver's license. FitzGerald's own party didn't bother wasting their money to support him and virtually anyone could have beat FitzGerald. John Kasich understood this and refused to debate FitzGerald. However, an editorial board endorsement meeting was recorded in which Kasich refused to answer questions and a law suit was threatened if that recording was released to the public.
See that video "Ohio Governor John Kasich Ignores Questions".

Karen Kasich tolerates and cozies up to those who got caught while deliberately endangering her very own children. Her daughters are surely very confused about the difference between right and wrong because those who have been educating them believe "before God" that it is "the right thing" to endanger children while conspiring to deceive and defraud the parents about it.

John Kasich has proven that he is a fraud and an easily manipulated coward (and a con artist).


We learned personally that John does not practice what he preaches and is literally a coward. Kasich is not fit to be any kind of a leader as he has been revealed as a mere "silent bystander" with a serious lack of "courage" (and common sense) who "stands for nothing" in regard to the safety, upbringing, and dignity of children and for protecting consumers. And Kasich has proven to be "two-faced".

As written by radio talk show host Dr. Laura about cowards:

"Because of cowardice, they will tolerate abuse and put others (like children and spouses) in harm s way."

What kind of a father would have such extremely poor judgment to actually continue to send his daughters to a private "Christian" school that got caught while conspiring to deceive and defraud him about the safety and well being of his children?
What kind of a consumer would be so foolish to actually continue to pay money to such a school that conspires to deceive and defraud its customers?
What kind of a parent would continue to do that where those who got caught committing serious crimes remain in power, remain as a serious threat to unsuspecting consumers, and remain as horrible examples to all students?

This web site exposes the poor judgment and the serious lack of integrity, courage, and leadership abilities, as well as common sense as is evident by John Kasich's actions (i.e. lack of action).
It also exposes that, despite what he claims in his book, John demonstrates that he does NOT "STAND FOR SOMETHING"; especially when it comes to the safety and upbringing of children; not even his very own.
It also presents the meaning of the word "Courage" as used in the title of John's book "Courage is Contagious".
Therefore, John Kasich has proven to be a fraud and is clearly "TWO FACED".

Ohioan Voters

Table Of Contents

Click on the underlined text below to go to that section of this Web Site:

  6. ISSUE 2 (i.e. Senate Bill 5)
  7. PENN STATE Outrage


The highlighted portion on the page below from the Internet shows that John Kasich's twin daughters attended Worthington Christian Schools (WCS) (Grace Brethren Church (GBC) facility) during the Conspiracy of Child Endangerment, Criminal Negligence, Deception, Fraud, and Cover-Ups committed against thousands of consumers by the administrators at WCS and GBC, along with their SZD (now Ice Miller) attorney, involving millions of dollars.
The portion circled in red shows that this is also when Kasich was serving as "managing director at Lehman Brothers", which later went bankrupt in 2008 triggering the economic meltdown which nearly caused the second Great Depression.

Emma and Reese Kasich attended WCS Elementary in Powell while two (2) of the WCS/GBC repeat child molesters were the "Youth Directors for elementary-age children". The WCS/GBC administrators and their attorney got caught and John Kasich let them get away with it. WCS/GBC later closed that elementary school as reported by the Columbus Dispatch story about that as: "The private elementary school that the daughters of Gov. John Kasich attend is closing because of budget problems and declining enrollment." at: Powell Christian school to close.
Kasich continues to send his daughters there, now at WCS High School, where those WCS/GBC administrators remain in power and remain as a serious threat to consumers and children. Kasich proved himself to be an easily manipulated coward before he became Governor and continues to be a coward.

Emma and Reese are surely confused about the difference between right and wrong because those who have been educating them were secretly recorded stating that they were indeed putting the children at big-time liable risk with those repeat child molesters, led into temptation to molest again, and that they believe "before God" is "the right thing" to do while conspiring to deceive and defraud the parents about it.

Those children have been taught that it is perfectly acceptable to conspire to deceive and defraud your business customers, and fellow man, while deliberately endangering their children.


It is astounding that John Kasich actually wrote a book entitled STAND FOR SOMETHING as he now demonstrates that he won t stand up against those who got caught while conspiring to deceive and defraud John and thousands of other consumers for a decade. John also demonstrates that he won't even stand up for the safety, upbringing, and dignity of children; not even his very own.

John had the audacity to write the following dedication in that book STAND FOR SOMETHING :

To Karen, Emma, and Reese:
Because of you, I know the real meaning of love
and because of you I know I must stand for something.
Just what does John Kasich stand for?
John demonstrates, in reality, not very much, not even for the dignity of his very own daughters.


John Kasich also wrote a book entitled Courage Is Contagious .
Does John have "Courage"?

Definition of "Courage" from

the power or quality of dealing with or facing danger, fear, pain, etc.
the courage of one's convictions the confidence to act in accordance with one's beliefs
take one's courage in both hands to nerve oneself to perform an action

Synonyms (similar in meaning) of "Courage" from

bravery, nerve, fortitude, boldness, balls (taboo slang), bottle (Brit. slang), resolution, daring, guts (informal), pluck, grit, heroism, mettle, firmness, gallantry, valour, spunk (informal), fearlessness, intrepidity, hardihood

Antonyms (opposite in meaning) of "Courage" from

cowardice, cowardliness

One who cowers down to his deceivers is one who exhibits "cowardice".
For example:

A man who cowers down to and refuses to hold accountable those who got caught while deliberately putting his children at big-time liable risk while conspiring to deceive and defraud him and his family about it exhibits extreme "cowardice"
(as well as being a horrible example to his own children and others).
Such a person cannot be trusted and should be banned from holding public office.


John Kasich wrote the two books above and has shown that his current book should be entitled "TWO FACED" (not TWO PATHS).

Emma and Reese Kasich, along with thousands of other children, were deliberately put in danger with several repeat child molesters, led into temptation to molest again, by the administrators at Worthington Christian Schools (WCS) and Grace Brethren Church (GBC at Polaris and at Powell).
As reported by the Columbus Dispatch newspaper, those WCS/GBC administrators were secretly recorded stating that they were indeed putting the children at big-time liable risk with those repeat child molesters, led into temptation to molest again, and that they believe "before God" is "the right thing" to do while conspiring to deceive and defraud the parents about it.
John Kasich let those administrators get away with it and they remain in power at WCS/GBC as a serious threat to children and consumers.

In the book STAND FOR SOMETHING , John had the audacity to write the following dedication:
To Karen, Emma, and Reese:
Because of you, I know the real meaning of love
and because of you I know I must stand for something.
But John does not even stand up against those who got caught while deliberately endangering Emma and Reese!!!
In the book "Courage Is Contagious", John talks tough about courage but he obviously has none.
John Kasich, and the other easily manipulated fools who remain behind at WCS/GBC, prove that "COWARDICE Is Contagious".

Please see and share and to help inform voters, warn consumers, and protect children.


John Kasich needs to answer the following question:

John, as those who you continue to pay and entrust your own children with were secretly recorded saying, do you too believe "before God" that it is "the right thing" to deliberately put thousands of children at big-time liable risk with several repeat child molesters lead into temptation to molest again while conspiring to deceive and defraud the parents about it?

That question is in regard to the administrators at the private Christian school (where John continues to send his own daughters to) and the affiliated church who were secretly recorded saying the following about one of the school s child molesting Teachers/Coaches (and Youth Directors for elementary-aged children) as reported by the Columbus Dispatch newspaper:

"We understand that if something happens between Dwayne and a student, we will be big-time liable,"
executive pastor Jim Augspurger said on the recording.
"That's a risk we take. I think before God we did the right thing and it may not be the worldly, may not even be the most prudent thing, but it is something we have done,"
he said.
"We've wiped the slate clean. I understand the situation it puts us in."
After those administrators got caught by the Columbus Dispatch, one of those who participated in that 10-year Conspiracy of Child Endangerment, Criminal Negligence, Deception, Fraud, and Cover-Ups against we parents (including John Kasich) publicly stated the following (as also recorded):
"I was a Lead Pastor here for eight years and a Director Of Junior High Youth Ministries in the past. This is a Watergate. The church covered it up. I was in the meetings. I've known all these years that it was a student. And I was told to get back to wiping noses and not to let it out."
John Kasich remains silent and refuses to do anything about those serious crimes. John actually continues to send his very own daughters to that private school where those administrators remain in power, remain as a serious threat to unsuspecting consumers, and remain as horrible examples to all students (including John s daughters Emma and Reese) on how to treat your business customers and your fellow man.

The truth is that John Kasich clearly does NOT have the courage, integrity, leadership abilities, or the common sense needed to be suitable to hold public office.
Please refer to the irrefutable and overwhelming evidence at and

Please bring these crucial facts about John Kasich and his extremely poor judgments to the attention of voters.

ISSUE 2 (i.e. Senate Bill 5)

Senate Bill 5 (SB5, i.e. Issue 2) and other major issues are a result of the economic collapse that began in September 2008 when Lehman Brothers went bankrupt and where John Kasich was a Managing Director.
The economic meltdown began on the weekend after Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy and, as Maria Bartiromo of CNBC reports in the FRONTLINE documentary "Breaking the Bank" about 'The Weekend That Changed Wall Street':

"It was an 'Oh my god' moment. Bankers finally realized the implications of Lehman going bankrupt"
Maria also writes in her book about the disastrous truths that some companies were hiding.

A federal judge decided to allow a securities fraud class-action lawsuit against the former officers and directors of Lehman Brothers to move forward.

As documented in the PBS FRONTLINE documentary "Inside the Meltdown", that Wall Street fraud nearly caused the second Great Depression and caused the huge job losses throughout the entire country, as well as Ohio.
John Kasich profited from and was part of that Wall Street fraud.
After Lehman Brothers went bankrupt, John Kasich blamed the Ohio Governor for the resulting poor economy in Ohio and narrowly managed to take that Governor's job from him.
John Kasich as Governor then tried to make Ohio employees pay for those poor economic conditions by signing into law Senate Bill 5 (SB5), which reduced compensation to firefighters, police officers, and teachers by making them pay at least 15 percent of the cost of their health care as well as other reductions in their compensation.
However, Ohio voters then repealed SB5 to show our appreciation for those who risk life and limb to protect us all and for those who teach our children.

Forcing teachers and nurses as well as police and firefighters (who risk life and limb virtually every day) to pay a portion of their employment benefits, as Senate Bill 5 dictates, reduces their total employment compensation. Reducing the employment compensation for these workers is unjustified because they did not cause the economic meltdown that the entire country and Ohio is experiencing. The economic meltdown was caused by those committing large-scale securities fraud, such as Lehman Brothers and its officers and directors (e.g. John Kasich).


Instead of picking on teachers, nurses, firefighters, and police (who enforce the laws), and who did not break the law, we must target the law breakers. Existing laws must be enforced to prosecute those who are guilty of the large-scale fraud that did cause the meltdown. Those individuals must be prosecuted for fraud in both criminal and civil courts of law so they will be imprisoned, heavily fined, and pay punitive damages for their crimes. Fortunately, a federal judge has decided to allow a securities fraud class-action lawsuit against the former officers and directors of Lehman Brothers to move forward.

Existing laws also must be enforced to stop other forms of fraud that harm the economy and harm those who are genuinely in need. People who are not needy, but who fraudulently apply for and receive government assistance such as Welfare, Food Stamps, etcetera, must be removed from government assistance programs. Laws must be enforced to force dead-beat-dads to support their children instead of having the mother and the children supported by the taxpayers. Enforcing immigration laws will make more jobs available for Americans and more tax revenue will be produced due to the income taxes from those jobs. And, thus, fewer people will ever need any form of government assistance. Deporting illegal's will also reduce the strain on the school system, medical system, government assistance programs, etcetera. That will also make most bi-lingual programs unnecessary and, thus, can be dropped. Companies that hire illegals must be severely fined and the individuals responsible must be prosecuted and imprisoned.


Now that the economy has collapsed to its current level, citizens will have the incentive to fulfill their responsibility to report illegal activity such as that described above. Teachers, nurses, and police are amongst the first to be aware of such activity. Our brave military men and women give life and limb to defend our civilized country and our precious freedoms, and so, the very least we citizens can do is to see to it that the laws are upheld within the country.


Obviously, Kasich has no respect for the law (or teachers, nurses, firefighters, police, etcetera) as he remains silent and refuses to hold accountable, in a criminal court of law, the administrators at the private school who got caught during their 10-year Conspiracy of Child Endangerment, Criminal Negligence, Deception, Fraud, and Cover-Ups against thousands of children and parents in regard to several known repeat child molesters. Note too that some teachers, staff, and parents took part in those crimes. Did John Kasich? He still sends his daughters there where those administrators remain in power, remain as a serious threat to unsuspecting consumers, and remain as horrible examples to all students (including Emma and Reese) on how to treat your business customers and your fellow man.

Kasich and those who remain behind have indeed demonstrated that Cowardice Is Contagious as they are easily manipulated by and cower down to their dangerous deceivers.
See the web page "Cowardice Is Contagious" at for details.
See the web site "THE ABCs OF BETRAYAL" at for the publicly available information with overwhelming and irrefutable evidence including audio recordings of those who got caught.

No public school administrator would have gotten away with any of those crimes but Kasich favors private school vouchers, which draw money from public schools, while he supports that private school and church that got caught harboring several known repeat child molesters for 10 years while conspiring to deceive and defraud the parents about it.


In June 2017, for harboring ONE child molester (Jerry Sandusky), the Penn State president Graham Spanier, vice president Gary Schultz, and athletic director Tim Curley were sentenced to prison for child endangerment.
The WCS administrators and their attorney got caught harboring SEVERAL repeat child molesters (who blamed and drugged their victims) for over 10 years while conspiring to deceive and defraud THOUSANDS of consumers about it involving MILLIONS of dollars.
Clearly, the WCS administrators and their attorney must also be prosecuted and sentenced to prison as well.

As there should be, there is much outrage being expressed about those at Penn State who kept silent about a child molester.

For keeping quiet about a child molester, the NCAA fined Penn State $60 million, took away future scholarships, imposed a four-year bowl-game ban, and invalidated 112 wins. Those who knew about the child molester were fired and Joe Paterno s statue was removed out of disgrace. Law suits will surely follow and people will likely be prosecuted for Child Endangerment, Criminal Negligence, Deception, Cover-Ups, etcetera.

Worthington Christian Schools (WCS) got caught harboring SEVERAL child molesters during the private school s deliberate 10-year Conspiracy of Child Endangerment, Criminal Negligence, Deception, Fraud, and Cover-Ups as committed against thousands of parents (including John and Karen Kasich) and students (including Emma and Reese Kasich). See the web site THE ABCs OF BETRAYAL at for the overwhelming and irrefutable evidence including audio recordings of those who got caught.

But Ohio Governor John Kasich let that private school get away with their crimes and the WCS administrators remain in power, remain as a serious threat to unsuspecting consumers and children, and remain as terrible examples to all past, present, and future students on how to treat your business customers and your fellow man. This is disgraceful and needs to be investigated and those who are clearly guilty prosecuted.

Note too that some WCS teachers, staff, and parents took part in those serious crimes.
Did John Kasich?
Why does John Kasich continue to send his daughters there where those administrators remain in power, remain as a serious threat to unsuspecting consumers, and remain as horrible examples to all students (including Emma and Reese) on how to treat your business customers and your fellow man?

Why did Columbus Prosecutor Robert S. Tobias refuse to fulfill his responsibilities to prosecute those individuals but then agreed to prosecute a parent for simply asking two questions (the first as suggested by the Supreme Court of Ohio) about those serious crimes?
Why has that parent been brutally harassed by the SZD Law Firm and was even put in jail for 9 days?
See the summary at

As reported previously:

Former FBI Director Louis Freeh Penn State Investigation:

Former FBI Director Louis Freeh deserves credit for investigating and exposing the individuals at Penn State who knew about the child molester Jerry Sandusky. Those who knew but never warned others will be prosecuted and imprisoned for their crimes of Child Endangerment, Deception, Cover-Ups, etcetera.

The FBI needs to investigate and discover why John Kasich has allowed individuals at WCS (the administrators and their attorney along with some teachers, staff, and parents) to get away with the serious crimes that they committed against Kasich's very own family along with thousands of others involving millions of dollars.

The FBI also needs to investigate and discover why Columbus Ohio Prosecutor Robert S. Tobias refused to prosecute the individuals at WCS but then agreed to prosecute a parent for simply asking two questions (the first as suggested by the Supreme Court of Ohio) about those serious crimes.

NCAA Sanctions:
The NCAA deserves credit for the sanctions against Penn State for harboring a child molester.

The Criminal Justice System prosecuted and imprisoned those at Penn State who knew but did not warn others about the child molester Jerry Sandusky.

Clearly, the Criminal Justice System must prosecute and imprison those at WCS who took part in the 10-year Conspiracy of Child Endangerment, Criminal Negligence, Deception, Fraud, and Cover-Ups committed against thousands of students and parents in regard to SEVERAL child molesters involving millions of dollars.


No respect for the law or law enforcement:

Kasich approves of abortion for rape victims but signs law that prevents rape counselors from informing
rape victims about the abortion option that Kasich approves of:


See the Reenactments.

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